Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is #100DaysOfCode challenge?
A. The 100 Days Of Code challenge is a public commitment of learning and accomplishing something every day to become a better developer. This also encourages beginners to learn how to code. You can study everyday and code for up to 1 hour and up, it will depend on you. Participants will have to tweet their progress everyday using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode, and submit the final project after the event into the
showcase-your-project repository.
Q2. Is it required to post tweet everyday?
A. You need to tweet your progress every day with the hashtag #100DaysOfCode, however, you are allowed to skip 2 days per week. Your health is more important.
Q3. Who can join this event?
A. Only Filipino students and career shifters are allowed to participate in this event. If you are not a Filipino and want to join us, please join the discord channel of
EddieHub Community and share your progress in the #standup channel.
Q4. Who are eligible in receiving SWAG?
A. Only residents from the Philippines can obtain the SWAG. We cannot ship internationally.
Q5. Can I still get some SWAG even I did not win?
A. We will try to give some. The SWAGs are only limited, and it takes time to be delivered. Even if you do not win, it is more important that you learn, improve your coding skills, gain connections, and many more.
Q6. What are the prizes for the winners?
A. We will choose 5 winners for T-Shirt Codes and 1 winner for the Octocat figurine from GitHub. You can see the whole details on challenges section. Each of the winners will receive a Certificate of Recognition.
Q7. Will I get certificate if I join?
A. Absolutely! You will receive a certificate of recognition if you completed the #100DaysOfCode challenge. This includes tweeting the progress, and submitting the final project into the showcase-your-project repository.